
Plumbing & Gasfitting

Installation in Canberra & Surrounds

Plumbing & Gasfitting

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Come to one place for multiple types of work!

At Climatrol, we do more than just heating and cooling! We are happy to do reasonably-sized plumbing jobs, being experienced in the supply and install of hot water systems, rainwater tanks and pumps, as well as experienced in the install of new fixtures and drains for kitchens, bathrooms and laundries undergoing renovation or remodelling, and experienced in backflow prevention, and also in the install of new gas fixtures, such as cooktops or barbecue points.

How Do I Get Changes Made to my Residential Hot and Cold Water Plumbing or Drainage in Canberra? What about in New South Wales?

Bath and Showers Canberra

In short, it’s not all that straightforward, but we at Climatrol have the qualifications and experience to navigate the relevant processes smoothly.

When adding or moving fixtures, it may be a good idea to do this work at the same time as a broader renovation, given that if pipes are being run through a wall, the existing plasterboard (Gyprock) and any tiling will need to be removed.

Permit Requirements – ACT versus NSW

In Canberra (and Tharwa, etc.), it is necessary for an ACT Government permit called a ‘Plumbing and Drainage Start of Works Notice’ to be taken out before work begins when:

1. The work is at a townhouse or apartment, or

2. New water-supply-plumbing and/or drainage points are to be added, or

3. Existing plumbing and/or drainage points are to be moved, or

4. A fixture is to be replaced with another fixture that has a different purpose (for example, where a bath is to be replaced with a shower, even if the existing water lines and drain are re-used).

Only a licenced plumber/drainer can take out this permit. Such permits are not necessary when repairing a fixture, or replacing it with an equivalent fixture, at a detached house if that work is valued at $1,000 or less. Although such ‘Minor Works’ must still only be carried out by a licenced plumber/drainer.

NSW, where the permit is called a ‘Notice of Work’, has similar rules, although NSW Fair Trading does not define a $1,000 cap as to what can count as Minor Works in plumbing and drainage, and nor does it disallow work at townhouses or apartments from counting as Minor Works.

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Permit Costs – ACT versus NSW

The ACT Government charge for a permit is in the low triple digits if you are only having water-supply plumbing (for up to 12 fixtures) that needs the permit or are only having drainage work (for up to 12 drainage points) that needs it.

This base fee is doubled if the permit needs to cover both types of work (whether that means 1 water-supply point and 1 drainage point or 12 water-supply points and 12 drainage points). The cost gradually increases for every water-supply point more than 12 or drainage point above 12.

In the areas of NSW near Canberra (and, in fact, in all areas of NSW other than those where water and/or sewerage services are operated by Sydney Water or Hunter Water), permits are issued by the local council (Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Yass Valley Council, etc.). The charge for the permit varies considerably between councils.

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Inspections and Plans – ACT versus NSW

In both the ACT and NSW, an inspection by the authorities may need to take place at two junctures. Firstly, after completion of the rough-in, just before the pipes are concealed within walls, floors, ceilings or underground, and, secondly, as a final test when all works have been completed and the plumber/drainer has submitted a final plumbing and drainage plan (called a ‘Workers’ Executed Plan’ in the ACT and a ‘Sewer Service Diagram’ in NSW). In both jurisdictions, inspections and the submission of plans are not required for Minor Works.

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Certification – ACT versus NSW

In both the ACT and NSW, once everything is okay the plumber/drainer will lodge a Certificate of Compliance.

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Gas Bayonet Canberra

How Do I Get Changes Made to my Residential Mains Gas Systems in Canberra? What about in New South Wales?

Again, we have the qualifications and experience to get this all sorted for you.


For existing detached houses in the ACT, all gasfitting work, provided that it does not require changes to the gas meter (including requiring a meter to be installed in the first place), counts as ‘Minor Works’ (but still has to be done by a licenced gasfitter).This includes installing additional appliances, replacing existing appliances, and replacing, extending or modifying the consumer piping system.

For any gasfitting work that is not Minor Works, a licenced gasfitter will need to submit a ‘Gas Start of Works Notice’ (which can cost in the low triple-digits for each gas meter involved). For townhouses and apartments, all gas work requires the submission of a ‘Gas Start of Works Notice’.

Where a Gas Start of Work Notice has been submitted, a government inspection may take place both at the rough-in stage (when the pipes are ready to be covered up) and when the installation is complete.

For all new residential gasfitting work (including Minor Works) the gasfitter will lodge a Gas Certificate of Compliance with the ACT Government on completion of the job.

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Gas Start of Works Notices do not exist in NSW. The gasfitter must lodge a Certificate of Compliance for a gas system connected to a natural gas network, and a Certificate of Inspection (referring to inspection by the gasfitter themselves) for a gas system that is not connected to a gas network (systems using bottled gas).

Installations are selected randomly for inspection by the authorities, but more direct onus is placed on the licenced gasfitter.

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